Spent from dawn until midday up on the old rooftop restaurant at Malee's hoping to see some overhead passge of raptors and passerines. It was not until nearly 10:30am before the first raptors were recorded when a group of 5
Amur Flacon moved north followed over the next hour by a further six. The only other migrant raptor was a splendid adult male
Pied Harrier which headed high south over the forest. Local raptors included a
Shikra and at least 5
Crested Goshawk including several displaying males. The only passerines possibly on the move were 17
Olive-backed Pipit. The surprise bird of the day was a male
Grey Buschat in the garden the first time i have seen this species so low down and presumably a migrant.
Grey-backed Shrike one of two present this morning |
Other species seen during the migration watch this morning included 4
Oriental Pied Hornbill, 2
Violet Cuckoo,
Banded Bay Cuckoo,
Black-winged Cuckooshrike, 2
Grey-backed Shrike and 20
Brown-backed Needletail.
Emarald Ground Dove |
Early in the morning an
Emerald Ground Dove few into a nearby window, knocking its self out, after a couple of hours rest in a cage it was later released unharmed.
A late afternonn walk up to the temple added
Scaret Minivet and
Yellow-vented Flowerpecker to the list moving the total on to 65 species.
Hi Neil, I'm booked to stay at Malees over Christmas on my birding trip round Thailand. Looking forward to hearing what's about. Cheers, Andy