Sunday, October 13, 2013

Spot-bellied Eagle Owl

Yesterday evening at the dusk, one of the local Spot-bellied Eagle Owls was calling from tall trees around the garden, before flying across the road into the forest. Chiang Dao, especially along the road between the temple and Malee's must be one of the best places to see this species in Thailand. The best strategy to see them would be to wait at dusk by the turning to the Wildlife Sanctuary Headquarters, when birds can usually be seen flying between the very tall trees, before disappearing of into the forest to feed. These trees are also worth checking during the day, as on at least one occasion I have found one roosting during the day.

Also calling just after dusk yesterday were both Mountain and Collared Scops Owl and Brown Boobok.
male Asian Paradide Flycatcher
Spent several hours at the temple this morning, for little reward, there were plenty of common species around such as Asian Fairy Bluebird, Hill Blue Flycatcher and common bulbuls. New birds for the list did include Brown Cheeked Fluvetta, Yellow-bellied Warbler and Bar-winged Flycatcher Shrike. Lots of  warblers around with both Yellow-browed and Two-barred both being very common, but no sign of any Claudia's Leaf Warblers yet. Species currently being seen daily at the moment include Blue-bearded Bee-eater with two pairs in the area and Violet Cuckoo usually being seen as the call and fly between the tall trees.

Early afternoon the Chestnut-winged Cuckoo was again in the garden.  

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