The blog will go into hibernation until the second half of September when we return to Thailand. I can still be contacted if anyone has any comments or needs information at
Good Birding
A Norfolk Birder In Thailand
Orange-tailed Awl Bibasis sena |
Common Banded Awl Hasora chromus chromus |
Common Small Flat Sarangesa dasahara dasahara |
Fulvous Pied Flat Pseudocoladenia dan |
Evan's White Flat Seseria strigata |
Tufted Ace Sebastonyma pudens |
Doi Suthep Ace Sebastonyma suthepianna |
Silver-breasted Ace Sovia albipecta |
Golden Ace Thoressa masoni |
Restricted Demon Notocrypta curvifascia |
The Forest Dart Potanthus lydia lydia |